What is the Best Way to Marinate Steak?

We look at the three most important things to consider when choosing the best marinade for your steaks.

Bonfire Party Games & Activities

If your grilling or barbecue activities include a bonfire, these outdoor bonfire party games can be a great way to stay entertained around a campfire.

Is Charcoal Grilling Bad for You?

We cut through the myths and facts and answer whether charcoal grilling is bad for you or not.

How to Make a Charcoal Grill & Where to Find Plans to Building One

Want to learn how to make your own charcoal grill? Here are some things to consider and where to find plans for building a charcoal grill, as well as some creative and unusual ideas!

grilled shrimp

Pineapple & Pepper Shrimp Kabobs

These recipes for grilled shrimp kabobs will have your mouth watering!

shrimp on the barby

Five Spicy Grilled Shrimp Recipes

If you like a little heat to your shrimp, you’ll love these spicy grilled shrimp recipes.

Grilled Pork Chop

How To Cook Pork Chops on the Grill

If you’re wondering how long do I cook pork chops on the grill, this article has all the information you need for making them tender and delicious.

What is the Best Way to Grill Shrimp?

This article takes a look at the best way to grill shrimp with skewers or a basket.

How Long Do You Cook Hamburgers on the Grill?

This fool proof guide on how to grill hamburgers will give you perfect burgers every time whether on charcoal or gas grills.

Cooking Tips for Gas Grills

These gas grilling cooking tips will make you a master grill chef!